How to correctly use the outdoor small crane to decorate the house?

1: We must ensure a stable voltage before we use it, and a stable voltage can allow us to carry out hoisting operations more safely and smoothly.

2: Before use, ensure that the chassis and main frame of the hoist are stable, and the operation can only be carried out after the inspection is correct.

3: Before the official start of the lifting operation, a trial lifting should be carried out to check whether there is any abnormality. If there is no abnormality, the official operation can be started.

4: The staff must operate in a reasonable and standardized manner, and it is best to have a commander to ensure better cooperation in the operation.

5: Pay attention to safety precautions when using, prohibit inclined hanging, prohibit overloading, etc.

6: In order to prolong the service life and maintain good performance, regularly take care of it to check whether there is abnormal wear or corrosion in each part, and if there is, take protective measures in time.

Post time: Aug-08-2022